Truth Under Water (16)

Nonfacts that influence WADA v. Sun Yang

Kaiser Ronaldo Varda
3 min readJul 20, 2023

Fabricated Report —Complaint on invalid identification

What did a supplementary report for a 2017 sample collection (“2017 Test”) have anything to do with the investigation of a 2018 doping control? The background was that the first encounter between Sun Yang (“Athlete”) and Yang — then a Chaperone, or in IDTM’s terminology, a DCA — took place at the 2017 Test, where the Athlete filed a complaint against Yang who notified the athlete with invalid identification.

On 28 October 2017, IDTM’s Doping Control Officer Simoes led a sample collection on the Athlete. Yang did the notification as a DCA. She identified herself with her social security card, instead of the national id card (see below).

FINA counsel: How did you identify yourself during that session?

Yang: He asked me the first time for my identification. Actually I took my ID card, but I couldn’t find it in my bag or pocket. That’s why I took some time to looking for it. But I didn’t find it. That’s why I showed my sociaol security card to him.

— Transcript of FINA Hearing, 2018.11.19, 104:15

Nonetheless, the social security card was not a valid form of identification under IDTM’s own protocols, pursuant to the report produced by IDTM’s general counsel Johannesson (“Johannesson Report”) (see below).

2. IDTM Authorization and Notification Procedure

…The BCA/DCA/Chaperones always need to carry a national identification of some kind (i.e., id card, driver’s license or passport) with them to show the athlete.

— Johannesson Report, 2018.11.09, 3:12

Notice that the only forms of national identification valid under IDTM’s own protocols were national id card, driver’s license and passport, because the Johannesson Report used the exclusive “id est” rather than the inclusive “exempli gratia.

By the way, there is a sound reason why IDTM did not take social security card as a valid identification. In many countries, the social security card does not contain the photograph of its holder, thence unable to verifiy the identity (see below).

USA/Switzerland Social Security Card

In sum, Yang should have carried and showed the Athlete her national id card, but she presented her social security card instead, which was not a valid form of identification pursuant to IDTM’s own protocols. Not carrying valid identification is a serious non-compliance that may invalidate the whole doping control session. Therefore, the Athlete filed a complaint against Yang in the comment section of the Doping Control Form (see below).

Sun’s complaint filed in the Doping Control Form

Sun Yang’s complaint: No authorization document, bad attitude, person without id entering doping control station, very unprofessional.

— Doping Control Form, 2017.10.28, comments section

It has been almost six years. Sun Yang has not received any response to his complaint. In fact, he probably won’t get any feedback, considering that IDTM might have entered its employee’s email address as athlete’s contact information, as it did on 4 September 2018 (see below).

Athlete information on paperless DCF, 2018.09.04



Kaiser Ronaldo Varda
Kaiser Ronaldo Varda

Written by Kaiser Ronaldo Varda

WADA v. Sun Yang was adminsitration of justice without public scrutiy. Too much evidence was kept in black box to cover up the truth. Let's unearth the filth...

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